Blog How To Gain Support For Your Vision

How To Gain Support For Your Vision


This is part three of a three part series of which we are exploring how to become an influential visionary leader. You can read part one here and part two here.

If you wish to read a summary of tips, go to this blog here.


So you have a vision of creating a positive, empowering space for your people. Now what? How do you get people behind your vision? How do you move it from just a vision to a reality that creates goodness in the world?

A simple way to get more people on board is to share, share, share and share again! Get excited about what you are creating! Share that enthusiasm! That energy is infectious! The more you talk about what you are creating (not what you want to, but what you are creating - remember what we talked about in part 2 of this series?), the more that you will start to be surrounded by supportive people.

Idea Brewing GIF by Out of Office

These supporters will start to see that you are already creating your vision, by seeing your process to become the leader you need to be to create your vision (we covered this tip in this blog) and by you actively living out and embodying your vision right now (we talked more about this piece in this blog). This in itself, uplifts and inspires your supporters to not just stand on the sideline and watch you create your vision, but get on board and become active  supporters in what you're creating.

Through this one single act, you're already creating your vision on a grander scale, than had you kept it to yourself!  Remember the ripple effect of this! It's big! So already you start to see more evidence of your vision being created now (as we talked about in part 2 of this blog series). So, through the simple act of sharing your vision by talking about it regularly, you are creating a bigger impression on the physical universe.

I see the action of sharing through our words, as a powerful signal to the universe to give us more of what we desire, quicker. This is the thought around using affirmations as a way to manifest your dreams, although it takes more than just speaking what you desire out loud, to create what you want! 

Let's break this down a bit more.

Have you heard the saying "your thoughts become things"?  There is truth in this, but this sentence alone is overly simplified: Your thoughts influence how you see the world (your world-view) and yourself (your self-identity) and in turn how you then respond and interact with the world (your actions). So your thoughts, will be enacted in some way with the world through your actions.  Your actions (as a reflection of your thoughts about yourself and/or the world) affects the kind of experience you have with the world. Your thoughts will then filter and interpret experiences in a way that fits within your self-identity and world-view.  So without conscious redefining of your inner thoughts/beliefs, you'll find yourself in a stagnant, self-perpetuating loop of similar experiences.

This is best wrapped up by the saying "the world is a reflection of you" - The physical universe is the physical representation of your mental world.  This physical representation of, and interpretation by, your thoughts/beliefs, is how your thoughts become things.

So when we talk about speaking about your vision, we can think of speech as being an action that bridges the mental and physical - Speech is how you start to solidify (ie. make physical) your thoughts.  And the more that we do this (make our thoughts solid - speech is one way, action is even louder!) the more likely we will see what we want in our reality. 

I liken this to making an announcement of your goals and desires.  It's easy to keep them as thoughts (and easy to then do nothing about them, because no one knows except you).  But when we speak about what we want to create, we make ourselves accountable to doing what we say.   And doing what you say, is a sign of being true to your word - being authentic. Which is a trait that every Conscious Leader needs to adopt!

cinema 4d spinning GIF by Best Served Bold

Speaking about your vision regularly, doesn't just create supporters, but also creates opportunities:

I remember living in a small town in New Zealand where a lot of travellers would come through and they would often be looking for jobs. There were two types of people: One that you never knew needed a job because they never mentioned it (they would leave rather quickly) and the other were the ones who spoke consistently about wanting a job (and usually ended up getting something and staying longer). 

I believe that we are creators of our "luck" and one of the keys to creating any vision (including this big bold one of empowering spaces) is to talk about it.  Talk about it often. Talk about it with excitement and enthusiasm (how could you not talk about it with this energy - what you are creating is incredible!). We'll quickly find ourselves surrounded by people who encourage us and remind us of our dreams. We start to find aligned companions who help us with our vision. Opportunities rise "out of nowhere". Networks are created.

Remember - Your word is powerful!

Fresh Off The Boat Word GIF by ABC Network

Sharing your vision is a fast way to create support - don't keep it to yourself. Share it and find your cheerleaders. Share it and find your champions.  Let them know what you're up to and let them help you! I find too many leaders with big vision of positive change, think they have to do this all by themselves -  1) You don't and 2) You can't!  I guarantee, you're not alone with your vision of creating positive change. 

So reader, let me know - what stops you from sharing your vision with the world? Comment below!

As always, I'm here for your constant evolution!


Nik Chung

Ps. I LOVE that you are a Conscious Leader! Want more personalised help to reach your leadership goals? Send me a private message on LinkedIn or email me on and let's chat!


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